+91 94222 81838 / 02438-244280

If you wish to cancel or amend your booking after the voucher has been issued, a cancellation fee will apply, in accordance with the hotel policy. The cancellation fee varies according to the hotel/tour or ticket specified in your booking as well as your check-in date.

Note: In some cases, the cancellation policy will depend on the hotel's individual policy. If this is the case, the hotel's policy will be displayed to you prior to the completion of the booking, on the final page of the booking process known as BOOKING VOUCHER through mail will be known. The stricter of the two (hotel's policy and our website policy) will then apply.

- If you cancel or amend after the voucher has been issued, but NOT LESS THAN 45(forty-five) DAYS for hotel booking prior to the check-in date, there is 15% charge - it means no cancellation fee!just taxes deduction - Last minute cancellations for the room booking: More than 45 days before check-in date: 15% of the amount will be charge - it means no cancellation fee!just taxes deduction

  • Less than 45 days up to 15 days before check-in date: 25% of the amount will be charge.
  • Less than 15 days up to 08 days before check-in date: 50% of the amount will be charge.
  • Less than 08 days up to 03 days before check-in date: 75% of the amount will be charge.
  • Less than 03 days up to 00 days before check-in date:100% of the amount will be charge.
  • Last minute cancellations for the tickets booking will be according to the specified in your booking.

Please Note: Cancellation has to be made through corresponding email ID
padmapanipark@yahoo.co. in ONLY, otherwise no cancellation will be entertained.
Cancellations will not be accepted over Phone.